Starcry – One Night Stand

ONE NIGHT STANDThis is a rather wicked sort of review for a rather wicked sort of album, for it is accomplished by the wrong reviewer.

However, on very rare occasions one finds music that doesn't sound like anything we've already heard before one thousand times. On half of these occasions one is drawn to the "new" thing at hand.

I wanted to give this album, "One Night Stand" the credit of the absolutely original Greek-made but outstanding-sounding phaenomenon of the industrial-ebm-darkwave scene from cover to last second of play-time, and I didn't find it difficult to do so.
"Dark Sun", the first track of the album kicks in the nuts straight away and puts you down in a state of involuntary sedation the way Starcry are known for well over ten years now. 14 tracks boil your ears in a cinematic cauldron of prayer and exasperation for 77 minutes and by the last track, "Sanctum (04santaClausMix)", all minds and categories of logic and sanity have been blown and the survivors are stripped of all will to listen to any music that doesn't match the fright of misery and glory that defines the Starcry.

Cut the crap and get hold of this cd! And everything else you can find by this band, too!