Zeromorph Sector Party…

Ç ïìÜäá Zeromorph Sector äéïñãáíþíåé party óôï Underground Club (ÈåìéóôïêëÝïõò êáé ÁíäñÝá ÌåôáîÜ 25, ÅîÜñ÷åéá)…

(Eng) Zeromorph Sector Team organize their first electro-industrial party at Underground Club (25, Andrea Metaxa & Themistokleous str., Exarhia)…
Ç ìïõóéêÞ ìáò êéíåßôáé óôá ðëáßóéá ôïõ Neofolk, Dark Ambient, Electro, EBM, Industrial êáé Noise. Ç ôéìÞ åéóüäïõ åßíáé 4€. Ôõ÷üí ìïõóéêÝò óáò åðéëïãÝò ãßíïíôáé äåêôÝò áðü ôïõò djs ìå ãñáðôÜ requests. Óáò ðåñéìÝíïõìå ãéá ìéá áîÝ÷áóôç electro-âñáäéÜ. Ãéá ðåñéóóüôåñåò ðëçñïöïñßåò: [email protected], [email protected]

(Eng) Our music varies from Neofolk and Dark Ambient sounds to Electro, EBM, Industrial and Noise tunes. Entrance fee is 4€. Any requests you may have are mostly welcome through written notes. We are waiting for you and we guarantee an unforgettable electro-night with lots of happenings. For further info: [email protected], [email protected]