Genre/Influences: Electro-Pop.
Format: Digital.
Background/Info: Two years after the astonishing debut-album “The Cubic Alphabet” and noticeable EPs Franky Deblomme is back on track delivering to us an appetizer for his upcoming full length album. The title of the EP indicates what it’s all about; the magic of the legendary Commodore 64 computer.
Content: The Belgian artist moves on exploring the magic of 80s synths and equipment by revisiting Electro-Wave to transpose it in a refreshing and sexy, contemporary format. Pure vintage bass lines and drum sections mixed with robotic vocals. The 4 tracks sound pretty similar and filled with nostalgia.
+ + + : Cubic confirms the potential of the debut works; a styled production driven by vintage sound treatments to reactivate the magic of the 80s Electro-Wave movement. I like the solid bass lines and simple, but efficient, melody lines while the robotic, sterile, vocals still have this magic effect on me. The tracks are pretty similar but “Offline” is my favorite for its extra-danceable strength.
– – – : I’m missing a bit more vocals although it’s not absolutely essential.
Conclusion: This EP sounds as a strong and promising teaser to the upcoming Cubic-album.
Best songs: “Offline”, “Titt”.
Rate: 8.
Artist: /
The post Cubic – c64 (EP – Alfa Matrix) first appeared on SIDE-LINE MAGAZINE.