Underground Holidaze concert party

Aõôç ôçí Kõñéáêç 28 Äåêåìâñéïõ, óå åíá êáéíïõñãéï êáé ìåãáëï live club óôï êåíôñï ôçò Aèçíáò, ôï TNT (Ëéïóéïí 49), ôåóóåñá óõãêñïôçìáôá êáé åîé DJ ïìáäåò ðáñïõóéáóïõí åíá ãéïñôéíï underground ðáñôõ-óõíáõëéá. Tï óïïõ áñ÷çæåé ìå ôïõò SWEETHURTS, åíá êáéíïõñãéï Gothic/Glam óõãêñïôçìá.
Aêïëïõèïõí ïé BAD MATHEMATICS, åíá high energy åíáëëáêôéêï óõãêñïôçìáôá. Må ôñáãïõäéóôñéá ôçí Aããëéäá underground íôéâá Cassi.
Aìåóùò ìåôá…..ôï “ñïê óáâïõñá” óïïõ ôùí STAR STAR.
H óõíáõëéá ïëïêëçñùíåôå ìå ôïõò NEGATIVE CREEPS.
Tá DJ ðïõ èá ôæáìáñïõí apo heavy & gothic ìå÷ñé punk, 80’s êáé industrial ïëï ôï âñáäõ êáé óôçí óõíå÷éá ïëç ôçí íõ÷ôá åéíáé ïé Vita Noctis, Fok BS, SPK, Tñéáíôáöõëïò (Rose), Ðáñâç, ïé Rebounders êáé áëëïé/åò.
Óôçí ïèïíç äåéôå ðáëé ôï THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, êáé âéíôåï áðï ôá áãáðçìåíá óáò óõãêñïôçìáôá.
Óôï ðíåõìá ôùí Xñéóôïõãåíùí….êáé ôïõ underground….ç åéóïäïò åéíáé 8 åõñù ìå ìðõñá! …êáé ìåôá 5 åõñù ãéá ìðõñá êáé 6 åõñù ãéá ðïôï. Free promo CD êáé T-Shirts èá ìïéñáæïíôáé áðï ôá óõãêñïôçìáôá ìå÷ñé íá åîáíôëçèïõí.
Ðåñéóïôåñåò ðëçñïöïñéåò ãéá ôá ãêñïõðò, ôá DJ’s, ôï TNT êáé áëëá åíäéáöåñïí ðñáãìáôá âñéóêïíôáé óôï:

Eíá ìåãáëï åõ÷áñéóôù óå ïëá ôá ãêñïõðò, DJ, öéëïõò êáé öéëåò ðïõ óõìåôå÷ïõí óå áõôç ôçí âñáäéá ìïíï êáé ìïíï åðåéäç áãáðïõí ôçí ìïõóéêç….êáé ãéá íá ðåñáóïõìå ïëïé ìéá õðåñï÷ç âñáäõá ÷ùñéò ôéò óõíçèçóìåíåò ãéïñôéíåò ôéìåò.

Óáò åõ÷ïìáóôå êáëåò ãéïñôåò êáé ÷ñïíéåò!

Sunday, December 28
To TNT brisketai Liosion 49 se ena megalo xoro pou einai sxediasmeno gia 600 peripou atoma. Eisodo 8 euro me mpura. Poto 6 euro, mpura 5 euro. On Sunday, December 28, four live bands and 6 DJ crews are throwing an underground holiday party at TNT (Liosion 49), the newest & biggest live club in the center of Athens.
So let’s go….starting the show will be SWEETHURTS, a new band whose gothic/glam sound tries to shatter the heart of the weary dark monolith……..next up “everything falls apart” with BAD MATHEMATICS, the most high energy and trashy alternative band you’ve ever seen, fronted by underground rock diva Cassi……….around midnight STAR STAR will put on their “rock trash au go go” show, sure to prove once again that they are truly “in a glass of their own”……….finally the NEGATIVE CREEPS will take the stage for their “no apologies” set, which promises to create a street party where the only chaperone is the devil himself!
Six DJ crews will keep the party jumping through the night and then all night long. You can also check out THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW and videos of your favorite bands on the big screen, while the DJ’s keep jamming ofcourse.
In keeping with the holiday spirit….and the underground spirit…..admission is only 8 euros with a beer. Drinks are 6 euros and beer is 5 euros.
Free promo CD’s and T-Shirts will be given out by the bands for as long as they last.
For info about the event, the bands, DJ’s and more cool stuff check out the web page at:

A big thank you goes out to all the bands, DJ’s and friends who are doing this for their love of music only, and so we can all have a great holiday bash without the usual holiday prices.

Have a rockin’ holiday season!

thanx everybody 🙂