Virgins O.R. Pigeons: new lineup

Finally the time has come to announce the new member of Virgins O.R Pigeons! His name is EL, and he has been involved with the band since day one. That's why he was our natural choice to fill in after Steph's departure.

"As some of you might know, I have been working for Virgins O.R Pigeons for several years now (in a way different territory though). So, now I don't feel it like a big change in my life so far. I guess I will realize it this October when we'll go on tour 😉 Anyway, I hope to stand up in every possible way as the new member of Virgins O.R Pigeons and (why not?) also put my personal touch on the new material. I hope to see you all on the road this October! " EL says on his first video interview for VOP TV which you will see online soon.

In other exciting news, we have some new photos online from the latest photo session we did a couple of weeks ago, to show the new line up to the world. In this photo session, we worked with a brilliant new photographer in the world of fashion. His name is Christos Tzimas and you might have seen his work in numerous fashion magazines.

And last but not least, we have a new design for our myspace profile! We thought that we had our previous one for ages and since we have a new photo session, the idea of a new lay out sounded great! That's why we hired our good friend and great designer Grace A. to do his magic tricks!  We loved his work and we hope you'll enjoy it too! So, feel free to tell him what you think about the whole concept 😉


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